So, yesterday I left work in a bit of a sour mood after being told at 10 minutes before closing time that I shouldn't "disappear" from the front desk during the last half hour of the day... A little history here; there are usually 2 to 4 staff members covering the sales desk between 5:00pm and 5:30pm which is closing time. I have worked there for a year and a half and am well aware of the poor scheduling that takes place. In yesterday's case however, there were no customers in the store, 3 people covering the desk, and I had been pulled away for good reason. I had not "disappeared" but in fact was writing up a First Aid report. I was actually told by someone "just leave it until tomorrow."
So, today a little boy hurt himself at our workplace. I was called to the front desk and told to bring a First Aid kit to the office. I grabbed the kit from under the desk and went upstairs only to find that no one in the office knew anything about it. So back downstairs I went to get more details. After calling almost every department in the store, I happened to be walking through the Flooring Department where I came across a little boy sitting, in tears, on his mothers lap. "Oh good," I said. "There you are. Sorry about the wait." I opened my first aid kit to find that there were no band-aids, no alcohol wipes, pretty much nothing of any use. So I apologized again and ran back upstairs to the office where the main First Aid kit is. I told the ladies in the office that the first aid kit in Sales was out of band-aids. They said matter-of-factly, "I know. We took them out. People keep taking them." I stood there absolutely speechless for a second and then just shook my head and walked away.
Sigh again....
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